Mineral conservation as part of the management of national mineral policy focuses on optimization benefits of mineral resources and reduction of environmental impacts resulted from mining perations. The implementation of conservation policies that involves various institutions has met a number of difficulties.
The problems of mineral conservation include unavailability of laws and regulations related to conservation policies, utilization of by-product materials, and management of remaining resources and reserves after mine closure. In addition, the existence of illegal mining practice has failed to optimize the benefits of mineral resources and affected environmental damages
Results of Conservation Division activities show that aspects of mineral conservation have not been fully applied in either small-scale or large-scale mining industries. For examples, fine coal as part of tailings disposal has not been utilized; and small-size bentonite materials are not treated ppropriately. In addition, formulation of regulation on mineral conservation has resulted several concepts including conservation rules, technical guide on reserve calculation and controls, and technical guide on inspection of mining recovery.
Key Word :
1. Konservasi Bahan Galian = Mineral Conservation
2. Bahan galian = mineral
Mineral conservation is part of management policy of Mineral having focus at optimalisation of benefit and negativity impact minimalize effort for mining. In optimalisation of Mineral benefit there is effort, keeping, protection, mining and processing and improvement of added value to the Mineral.
While in the effort minimalizing negativity impact as result of mining and processing of Mineral, there is watcher effort and supervision effort for mining, especially causing direct to enviromental function continuity
Management of Mineral in upstream side, from when finite exploration of mineral mining and added value in downstream side at processing step requires attention, so that extravagance to mineral in coming must be avoided. On that account policy and governing of conservation aspect requires attention and soon is formulated.
The task executes compilation of standard and tech reference manual, norm, criterion, procedure, technical tuition and supervision of Mineral conservation resource. Besides carries out function of execution of coordination and compilation of standard, guidance, norm, criterion, procedure, cooperation, and management and service of information in conservation area of mineral power source, technical tuition, reserves watcher, recovery mining, processing, supervision, evaluation of planning and application of Mineral conservationpower source.
Conservation actually is not new thing in management of Mineral, as know this conservation task involve many part in the application is till now have many constraints.
Role of perceivable conservation from some aspects, between it through question :
a. Why Mineral conservationis required?
There are some basic reasons to answer the question, that is :
Mineral as karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa is natural resources which non newest so that management of Mineral must be realized wisely, efficient and effective to be obtained optimal benefit and having continuation for importance of public,
Management of Mineral in upstream side, from when finite exploration of mining and added value in downstream side at processing step requires attention, so that uneffectif use of Mineral in future must be prevented.
Still lack of application of conservation aspect of Mineral in area effort for mining of small scale and also big scale and PETI.
b. What application of Mineral conservation for relinguish area in the relation with arranging land use?
Relinguish area is region which has been delivered again to government by the side of mining entrepreneur where after through exploration process and evaluation is considered to be region that is is prospective not for Mineral commodity which will be exploited. Because assumed not prospective hence region which have been discharged this mining entrepreneur often doesn't get adequate attention either from the side of government ( DESDM) and also by the side of private sector mining. Of course this thing doesn't profit evaluated from conservation aspect of Mineral where optimalisation of Mineral benefit cannot be done. This state ought to be observed and improve;repaired by doing stages;steps supporting toward attainment of purpose of conservation of Mineral.
For example, area which relinguis can be considered to be region that is potency unable to development of certain commodity mine business, with mining scale with certain method. But side to be other of region which has been leaved the still possibly has potency for the same mineral commodity but in smaller mining scale or in the form of different mining method.
Relinguish area also possibly can have potency for not previous other mineral commodity mine business become target of exploitasi. Therefore relinguish area is assessment object of mineral power source potency done as part of conservation effort of Mineral. Related activity in this case cans be in the form of test to good exsample with method geokimia, geophysicist and also exploration boring, and in the form of assessment by using geology modelling. From activity of evaluation of this hopeable potency existence of relinguish area status later on used as policy making basis in conservation area of Mineral for the region.
c. What application of Mineral conservation in management of data and handling of the rest waste resource and reserves ?
Before operation of mining is started, in feasibility study, setting of Mineral reserves groups proven reserves and probable reserves. Mining process and processing always will leave rest of reserves either due mine design, system and recovery mining that is is optimal not and also because reason of economics value. During mining period, watcher and evaluation of Mineral conservation must be done to optimal of mine productivity, prevents uneffected of secondary mineral and minimization of environmental impact as result of mining activity.
Supervision of conservation also need to be done especially in relation to transformation of reserves status resulted from by activity of exploration in mine region and activity exploits. At the time of mine terminating, activity of Mineral conservationmust be done stocktaking to and evaluates data rest of lag reserves and plans policy in management of rest of reserves after mine is closed. Application of good conservation is by protecting rest of reserves that is possibly admits of exploited during coming or exploits rest of the reserves by using other mining system if it is enabled. Effort for shielding to rest of Mineral after-mine cans be in the form of inter alia for the sake of research, education, geowisata, etc.
d. What application of Mineral conservation in management and material handling of other low and middle grade Mineral, etc ?
execution of mining of that not all Mineral ( low grade, marginal and secondary mineral) exploited, causing is assumed waste which just for reclamation material even often castaway.
To anticipate tendency of the price and request of Mineral commodity that is at any times alterable this thing is conservation need to make policy arranging the handling ( although it is of course based on priority), for example with piling up in certain location by doing special treatment.
For example, storage of the Mineral ( waste), though possible still be economic, must fulfill certain criterion ( doesn't contaminate area, is not contamination, can be mined again easily, etc).
A. Common problems
Application of conservation aspect of Mineral still many constraint which :
Inexistence of regulation / policy about management of Mineral nationally ( national minerals policy/mineral conservation) this thing can result the happening of sectoral conflict, for example has not ratified of RUU Pertambangan Umum dan RPP Konservasi had results not existence of reference that is clear for organizer and perpetrator effort for mining.
Implementation of UU Otonomi Daerah generates existence of understanding difference about execution of technical pengawasan/bimbingan between central government and district.
Lack of human resource which expert in conservation area and mining.
Perpetrator effort for mining generally makes account of just economic facet and doesn't apply conservation aspect.
Mining activity still many leaving over Mineral which potency still to be exploited.
Allowance effort for mining which have been obtained there are still uncommitted according the step.
Data and information about resource and reserves in general difficult to be obtained in some districts because administrate system that is unproperly is arranged carefully.
B. Problems of conservation at coal mining
From field team is obtained data that at some conservation problem coal minings of Mineral met by :
Some of coal seams set in FS is not mined
Setting criterion of height calorie-thin layer which must be mined unmatched to conservation aspect
Low calorie coal which has not become request of market thrown /not exploited.
Fine coal cleaning result thrown,
The problem is upper causing rest of resource and reserves amounts to that there are still very big. Other problem met is more and more and the wide-speading of illegal mining ( PETI) which is not executes way of good mining so that uncared conservation aspect. Recovery mining and processing generally very low, contribution to state and responsibility to enviromental function is not exist.
C. Problems of conservation at gold mining
Some problemses of Mineral conservationmet at gold mine between it, be management of rest of reserves, and occlusion planning of mine, especially illegal gold mine.
Other Mineral and other secondary mineral which there is in Mineral which produced ( gold) often is not exploited. For example secondari mineral in the form of lead which is by product from processing of gold can be sold to metal industry.
Penambangan emas tanpa ijin (PETI) tidak melaksanakan kegiatan penambangan dengan baik sehingga aspek konservasi terabaikan.
Illegal Gold mine doesn't execute mining activity carefully so that uncared conservation aspect.
Recovery mining and processing generally very low, contribution to state and responsibility to enviromental function is not exist.
Usage of mining method and processing which unmatched tothe purpose of economic often leaves reserves which still enabling to be mined with other method.
D. Some alternative of problem solvings
Some alternatives which can be allowed for solves problem related to conservation aspect of Mineral :
Improvement of quality and conservation expert quantity of Mineral by training/ workshop Mineral conservation either in and also foregin.
Increases participation of conservation expert officer of Mineral from district to cooperate in construction task and conservation supervision.
Law and regulation relating to Mineral conservation must soon formulated and socialized to all sides, including govermental agencies central to district), mining entrepreneur and public. For Example DIM has compiled Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah about conservation of Mineral, setting procedures tech reference manual concept and supervision of power source and reserves , and supervision procedures tech reference manual concept of recovery mining for the agenda of conservation of Mineral
The Government proaktif in material handling of other Mineral and secondary mineral.
Supervision of Mineral conservation need to executed is intensive is accompanied straightening of consistent law.
Formation of Partnership between mining entrepreneurs, Illegal mining with central government and district to increase added value and still take care of continuity of enviromental function and district suintable-economics through mining sector.
E. Alternative of problem solving at coal mining and gold mining
Alternative of problem solving :
Conservation aspect in setting of feasibility study have to be more be emphasized
Reconnaissance-returns setting of thickness of coal seam criterion which must be mined as according to conservation aspect
Idea of apply usage precise technology aim to increase added value fine coal and low calorie coal , for example for industrial mix-material of tubed tire, making of briket batubara.
the Government / local government must act proactive in handling problem PETI by doing supervisi / construction , settlement by care to conservation aspect of Mineral.
A. Regulation Activity
Governmental role in formulation of policy, supervision and management of Mineral increasingly is claimed especially to increase national income through tax mechanism, retribution and sharing holder that is fair and clear and shielding from ecological disaster.
Compilation activity of regulation meant to compile a regulation as reference to government and also mining company in managemen and exploiting of Mineral, especially the side of government haves a mind to prevent the happening of aberration of mining rule and conservation.
For example : concept RPP Konservasi Mineral, Tata Cara Penetapan dan Pengawasan Sumberdaya dan Cadangan, dan Pedoman Teknis Tata Cara Pengawasan Recovery Penambangan
B. Technical Evaluation
According UU No. 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintah Daerah and Kepmen Energi and Sumber Daya Mineral No. 1453/K/29/MEM 2000, technical evaluation of report Kuasa Pertambangan, Kontrak Karya and Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Barubara ( PKP2B) what published before date of 31 Decembers 2000 still becoming central authority.
Lisensi of KP Penyelidikan Umum and KP Eksplorasi applies 2-3 years, while licensing in the form of KK and PKP2B applies to 30 years.
C. Conservation Data Base
Activity of conservation database, with aim to provide information about material, include; covers secondary data collecting, stocktaking result of mining activity from investigation phase of public, exploration, mining, haulage, pengolahan/pemurnian, area handling, comes up with mine occlusion.
Availablely of conservation database of material can be done evaluation and determination of policy to material either is being laboured and also which has is not laboured. Intake, correction, addition, and renewal of data will be done every when, if obtained data or newest report of which more accurate.
Management of material starts from upstream side, at the time of finite exploration of downstream side at the time of mining and processing of added value requires attention, so that extravagance or uneffected of material in coming must be advoid. On that account policy and governing of conservation aspect requires attention and soon is formulated.
The many problems of conservation of material faced entangling some science disciplines to require improvement of quality and conservation expert quantity of material and related other expert, through training /workshop.
The results indicates that has not been applied fully conservation aspect at mining. But at least, until the year 2002 is has followed share in making activity of regulation relating to conservation in area DJGSM and related other institution.
Bimbingan Teknis, inventarisasi, eksplorasi dan evaluasi Sumber Daya Mineral dan batubara dalam rangka pengembangan sumberdaya manusia di daerah, DIM, DJGSM, 2001
Laporan Tahunan Subdit Konservasi,DIM, 2002
Kepmen. No 150/2001 dan No 1915/2001, Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
Kepmen. No. 1453 K/29/MEM/2000, Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya
Konsep Pedoman Teknis Tata Cara Penetapan dan Pengawasan Sumber Daya dan Cadangan, DIM, DJGSM, 2001
Konsep Pedoman Teknis Tata Cara Pengawasan Recovery Penambangan dalam rangka Konservasi Bahan Galian, DIM, 2002
Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Konservasi Bahan Galian, DIM, DJGSM, 2001
Sunarto, Tugas Konservasi Bahan Galian, DJPU, 1995.