

Invasi supermarket terhadap kehidupan manusia (baca : masyarakat) sangat cepat, hal ini menjadi sebuah ancaman paling mengerikan terhadap keberadaan pasar tradisional, mengapa? supermarket atau minimarket umumnya dimiliki oleh pemodal besar, sedangkan pasar tradisional dimiliki rakyat biasa, secara filosofi, kerajaan besar pasti akan menang dalam penjajahan kerajaan kecil, hal ini juga berlaku terhadap kondisi perekonomian rakyat biasa.

Di dalam tulisan ini, bukan berarti antipati terhadap keberadaan supermarket atau sejenisnya, namun terlebih pada kebijakan buffer pemerintah terhadap keberadaan pasar tradisional, saat ini, dimana saja kita bisa dengan mudah menemukan minimarket, disetiap jalan pasti ada..sedangkan pasar tradisional umumnya hanya di temui ditempat-tempat tertentu saja, sangat tidak adil..!. Terlebih lagi, pemilik franchise-franchise itu umumnya bukan dimiliki oleh orang indonesia, contoh besar adalah carrefour..!!!

Tak ada yang salah dalam hal supermarket, namun menurutku akan menjadi tidak adil ketika keuntungan dari penjualan tersebut malah dinikmati oleh "orang luar", terlebih lagi ketika kondisi ini malah mengalahkan pasar-pasar tradisional yang merupakan milik inlander..! Idealnya, keberadaan supermarket ini dibatasi sedemikian ketat, hingga pasar-pasar tradisional dapat berkembang labih maju, kedua, pemerintah wajib memberikan supervisi terhadap pasar-pasar tradisional hingga menjadi lebih modern untuk menantang keberadaan supermarket. Ketiga, pasar-pasar tradisional sendiri harus merubah dirinya untuk menjadi pasar modern hingga lebih memikat untuk dibeli, terakhir, kita masyarakat hendaknya lebih memainkan peran dalam menikmatinya, dalam arti lebih mendukung kemandirian pasar-pasar tradisional ini.

India, dalam sctv memiliki langkah bagus dalam menarik konsumen, mereka menciptakan terobosan baru dalam hal memodernkan pasar, yaitu dengan membuat supermarket yang mobile mendekati konsumen. Bila kita adopsi ide ini, dengan membentuk supermarket mobile yang menjangkau daerah-daerah terpencil kita, dengan catatan pemilik modal adalah inlander!, bisa dibayangkan berapa perputaran uang dan modal yang bisa kita capai. insaallah.

P/S : Gambar dan ide diculik dari Liputan 6 SCTV


They make Tears

Anak meratap lirih meminta receh demi makan...
Ada curiga menatap, bertanya jijik melihat tangan meminta..
Ya Allah,.. Jauhkan mereka dari keduanya...
Pagi Senin, dimana semua aktivitas bermuara dalam seminggu kedepan, begitu juga dengan diri ini, memulai rutinintas bersua dengan dosen-dosen pintar kampus demi sebuah coretan tanganya di cetakan printer. Beranjak dari peraduan, terasa malas hati untuk melangkah, namun kewajiban memaksa untuk diri lebih bertanggung jawab.

Berangkat ke kampus, berhubung perut meronta-ronta minta jatah, mampir di sebuah warung makan kecil (jarang soalnya makan disini...kecil seh). Celingak-celinguk cari lauk yang cocok buat perut, tetep ngk ada yang pas (ngirit duit seh sebenarnya..) akhirnya dengan makanan normal, nasi, telur dadar, tempe-tahu, dan sedikit sayur yang berkuah. Explore posisi, biar bisa terlihat pemandangan bagus, duduk di pojok, berdekatan dengan kasier, lumayan kasiernya sedikit manis.

Sejurus didepan, ada terlihat kakak-adik berjalan dari arah luar, dekil kesan yang pertama terlihat, si kakak menuntun adiknya yang mungil menuju warung makan, "Permisi...." kata manis terucap dari sang kakak, berjalan mendekati meja-meja makan sambil menadahkan tangan, tanpa ada terucap kata hanya diam sejenak, sebelum berlalu ke pengunjung lain. Saat disampingku, tercium aroma jelek, hatiku langsung berontak, berguman ini-itu menolak kehadiran mereka. Dari dalam saku celana, tersampaikan Rp. 500 kepada sang kakak.

Berlalu mereka dari mejaku, menuju kasir membeli sebungkus nasi, pas disaat itu, sang pemilik warung keluar dari dalam dan langsung membukuskan nasi untuk mereka, terlihat antara sang pemilik dengan kakak-adik itu sudah mengenal. Nasi yang dibungkuskan melebihi porsiku, lauk yang diberikan pun double, ayam goreng lagi (ko sayah ngk dapet gini yaks,,hihi). Si kakak mengeluarkan receh hasil rejeki untuk di bayarkan, tapi malah ditolak oleh pemilik warung, malah di kasih Rp.5000 sebagai bonus (woow, baru kali ini liat ... ada bonusnya lagi). " makasih bu...." kata sang kakak, "iya, tar sore kesini ya,,,," pemilik itu menjawab. Aneh, hatiku bingung mendengar jawab sang Ibu warung, ko baik yah...

Berlalu sambil iseng saat bayar makan, aku bertanya.."itu tadi siapa bu, kenal yaks....??". Sang pemilik warung bercerita panjang, intinya,,, mereka dahulu tinggal di kampung itu, ayahnya merantau ke malaysia namun mengalami kecelakaan kerja disana, dan meninggal. ibu mereka juga merantau ke arab, tapi hingga saat ini ngk ada khabarnya.. sekarang, tinggal kakak-beradik itu yang bertahan hidup. sesaat aku menyesal dengan apa yang kupikirkan terdahulu, dan serasa berdosa membantu mereka dengan tidak ikhlas.

Saat keluar warung, mataku mencari mereka..berharap bisa melihatnya, namun tak ada (padahal dah lama banget ngeliatin jalan...). menaiki motor andalan menelusuri jalan, ketika berbelok ke arah tikungan.. mata ini tertuju pada dua anak yang sedang makan di bawah pohon, hati langsung berujar .. "iya..! itu mereka..!" terlihat dari kejauhan, sang kakak menunggu adiknya makan, benar kata ibu tadi, kakaknya sangat sayang dan melindungi adiknya,,. si adik dengan lahap makan, sesekali mengajak kakanya makan, mungkin kakaknya membiarkan adiknya kenyang, baru kemudian dia makan. entah...

Niatku menebus dosa, duit di dompet sedang sekarat, aku memacu motor ke ATM samping kampus, Antri...!! (selalu antri di jogja kalau bulan masih muda...dasar mahasiswa.!! hihi). selama menunggu, otak dan hatiku berdamai satu hal, Rp. 20.000 buat mereka. duit diambil, saatnya menghampirinya, namun...... ternyata mereka telah pergi, berjalan entah kemana... kususuri jalan hingga ujung dan kembali, ke masuki semua tikungan, ku jelajahi segala gang demi menebus dosaku... tetapi, mereka telah berlalu dan pergi...entah kemana..

Malu... satu kata yang terngiang di hati ini, ketika ku melihat mereka makan, kakaknya dengan sabar menunggu adiknya selesai makan.... terharu, hingga setetes air mengalir dari mata... Ya Allah, aku selalu mengeluh dengan keadaanku, ternyata....ternyata ada yang lebih berat dariku.... dan dia tabah...
Menyesal..., saat tangan itu memohon belas kasih, aku hanya memberi sedikit sekali..bahkan dengan curiga dan tanpa keikhlasan..... saat kutebus salah ini, ternyata niatku tak sampai...
Ya Allah.... ampun.....
P/S :
1. Poto diculik dari mbah google.


James Bond : Indonesian...??

Oktober, tanggal 1 itu, saat sinar mentari belum muncul.. aku berkeliling samsudin noor, sekedar melepas lelah duduk sembari chek in dan minta boarding pass, membunuh waktu dengan secangkir teh dan pop-mie untuk menjinakan perut. Ada pemandangan khas, diseberang meja terlihat tiga orang berbicara mengenai kriminal yang terjadi, entah dimana namun diskusi itu khusuk sekali. Perawakan dari ketiga orang itu ideal, tinggi-kekar-cepak, intuisi langsung jalan, mesti mereka penegak hukum indonesia.. !.
Pagi ini, koran kompas di halaman pertama, menyelipkan sebuah berita, simple namun bagiku ini sangat membanggakan sekaligus aneh bin ajaib... apa hal? tajuknya sih menggoda tawa : " sekolah tinggi 'james bond' di sentul"... hah ??!!, double 0 seven punya sekolah di indonesia?. Ternyata, jumat kemaren adalah wisuda pertama dari sekolah tinggi intelegen negara, ada sekitar 30 orang lebih yang di pindahkan tali toganya. Berdiri tahun 2004, berlokasi di daerah sentul dengan dua konsentrasi utama : agent and analyst!. Sedikit menerawang ke film-film spionase asing.., sekelebat agent, pasti tokoh idolaku pierce brosnan dalam golden eye, tomorrow never dies, atau sekelas tom cruisenya mission impossible.

Jadi, diprediksi oleh para pakar, dalam 10-15 tahun kemudian, mungkin salah satu dari mereka akan menjadi bigbossnya BIN..!!, sejenis direktur CIA dong. Ada yang menarik dari statement : ”Jika berhasil (menjalankan tugas) tidak dipuji. Jika gagal dicaci maki. Jika hilang tidak akan dicari. Dan jika mati tidak ada yang mengakui.”.., kalu dilihat dari kata itu, dan kenyataan yang sering terjadi, sungguh menyedihkan nasip para agent, tak pernah ada pengakuan dari negera terhadap jasa mereka. Namun, kalau wisudawan STIN ini menjadi agent nantinya, pertanyaanya adalah.... ketahuan ngk yaks...??.

Ada beberapa alasan yang bisa mendasari hal tersebut diatas, pertama. Mestinya, institusi penghasil intelligent itu tertutup, dalam artian rahasia!!, hanya negara yang tahu. Bukan malah menjadi tajuk headline koran. Kalau akabri, wajar harus di gembar-gemborkan, karena itu adalah kebanggan negara.. dimana ekuevalensi besarnya jumlah dan kapabilitas tentara yang dihasilkan berbanding lurus dengan pengakuan negara asing. Nah, kalau spionase di gegapgempitakan, apa yang terjadi dengan misi mereka kedepan..??.

Kedua, Inagurasi wisudanya mestinya juga jangan terekspose, mulai dari awal hingga berjalan nantinya.. sekarang, kita bisa mengerti, bahwa tahun 2009 ada 30 orang yang menjadi spionase. Misalkan, salah satu dari mereka menjalankan misi di malaysia atau australia, trus dicurigai,, kan tinggal di recheck ke daftar alumni STIN, nah apa jadinya kredibilitas Indonesia.??. Bisa-bisa dibilang spionase kacangan lagih, mirip kayak intel-intel aparat di kampung dong, baju kaos, rambut panjang, badan kekar, tapi ceritanya tentang kasus-kasus kriminal yang terjadi di lokasinya.

Berkaca dari film Andy lau - Internal Affairs, dimana dalam film tersebut, tak ada sedikitpun perayaan terhadap agent-agent dari masing-masing pihak, baik triad maupun kepolisian,semua serba rahasia dari semenjak awalnya, tak ada yang tahu dan bahkan menduga, kecuali bigboss masing-masing. Sekarang, kalau kita crosscheck dengan beberapa asumsi di atas, masih sangksi BIN bisa bersaing dengan Mossad, M16, atau dedengkot spionase dunia CIA dan FSB.

Walaupun sejatinya masih ada yang kurang dari kebijakan STIN dan negara, mengenai pendidikina spionase, namun saya pribadi tetap memberikan apresiasi tinggi kepada mereka, karena mereka berani teken kontrak mati terhadap negara tanpa jasa. Indonesia sekarang serius dalam menciptakan profesionalisme aparatnya, pioneer negara untuk segala urusan domestic dan foreign.

P/S :
1. Adopted story and Modified pic from Kompas Headline.


Wir sind bereits Freunde

Those are fictive... just a synopsis the story of life..
For any further reason, all character are imagination only...!
If there is....



Kadang, dalam hidup selalu menemui masalah dan apa saja yang membuat pikiran dan emosi yang tersita, bahkan tersandra hanya karena sebuah kata "loyalitas". Entah sebuah kata itu berarti bagi seseorang atau hanya sebatas sebutan untuk mengalihkan kemarahan sementara, namun dalam beberapa episode hidup yang lewat, mereka begitu memujanya, lebih dari seorang Elizabeth I bagi kaum loyalis feodal di Englaland, atau bahkan pejuang sekaliber Kartini bagi para inlanders...

Waktu, kadang berbicara lambat.. namun sesekali jauh lebih cepat dari seberkas sinar mentari datang ke bumi,... dia, ...selalu berbicara melalui bahasanya sendiri, tanpa perduli segudang huruf runtuh kedalam otak, sejuta logika diperjuangkan untuk bisa merasakan pahitnya sebuah tanda seru... atau segalon arogansi amarah untuk meredakan dinginya es malam.... tak pernah ada cukup kalimat selain waktu yang bicara dengan suara lembutnya.... hingga kadang tersentak sadar, bahkan mungkin mati perlahan karenanya.....

Bagi beberapa mamalia bumi, sebuah kelompok adalah identitas diri, untuk bisa survive terhadap kejamnya dunia.. terlihat seperti wolf, atau bahkan werewolf untuk bisa lebih seram... mengapa???
Terlintas sejenak dalam alam benak pikiran ketika film underworld (liat pilemnya dlu, baru bisa meresapi intinya...commercial break), dua komunitas bersaing untuk arogansi masing-masing.. walau asal-usul mereka kurang lebih sama, namun menjebakkan diri pada manusia-manusia bodoh yang terlena akan kemajuan jaman...
Kembali ke komunitas, ... hingga kelompok itu sendiri mengorbankan dirinya, terasing...??, tidak, mereka tak pernah mengasingkan, hanya memberi ex-bands terhadap tubuh yang nakal, shock therapy untuk mengingatkan diri pada kreasi nya sendiri, hingga pada saatnya, akan kembali menjadi bagian utuh kembali, walau dengan sedikit codet yang membekas.

Tak semua niat baik itu diterima dengan hangat dalam pelukan bunda, ada sebuah hina didalam niat itu, seakan lebih besar dari proton dan electron yang mengelilingi core neutron, rotasi logika berkecamuk pada dirinya, seakan pasang-surut mengikuti gavitasi rembulan menjelang malam, ada hangat menerima freund dengan senyum manis dan canda tawa, seketika esok mengaggap companions sebagai musuh abadi yang harus di eliminasi untuk kedamaian dunia. Terhentak sejenak, terasa seperti jalan hidup kaum mujaheddin Afghanistan atau pergerakan intifada Palestine.. dimusuhi, dibuang, diblok... hingga diburu sampai negeri atap dunia.

Sekarang... mengutip kata seorang sahabat : "seperti permainan kembang api....," meledak, haru biru, decak kagum hingga ternganga mulut untuk mengagumi keunikan cahaya dibentuk, seni gembira yang terpancar darinya. Awal indah terasa damai bagi mereka, seru seperti thriller orphan, bahagia tertawa sepanjang serial friends atau menangis bersama mengikuti scene Fly me to polaris..., namun tak sampai akhir, hanya basah tanggung layak bermain di pantai pasir hitam pulau anak karakatau.

Kata orang jerman (itupun kalu benar tata bahasanya...) "Wir sind bereits Freunde"

..........................Tak pernah lekang oleh waktu.....................Semoga tak pernah......

P/S :
1. Poto ekspresi diculik dari jepretan gyo Photowork.
2. Donasi buat saran lagu dari Delnduet
3. Tempat nanya-nanya NumeruOno


A letter to artist

She had nice voice...

Beberapa saat yang lalu, sebuah acara di rancang manis untuk melepas seorang seniman berkelana untuk melebarkan sayap, bejuang dengan narasi otaknya dan kami..
Kami disini ingin dia berjalan tanpa tersandung, mengingat indahnya gemerlap malam dengan suasana manis yang sering tercecer, terkadang kehadiran yang dia persembahakan terlupakan oleh suara gitar kosong...

Hingga kami merasa dengan dia yang berkelana akan membuat senyap...tanpa ada puisi-puisi malam yang dia haturkan buat sahabatnya..
Nun jauh ... dalam epilogi otak, sebuah episode-episode manis ingin dihidupkan kala dia bersiap pergi... terhantar dengan senyuman, tangis bahagia ini untuk dirinya..




Hanya terlupa, terkesan sebuah kertas yang tak bertinta...
Salahkan mereka yang beradu dengan janji ijab-kabul haram... tapi setelahnya, maafkanlah...karena kami adalah manusia tak sempurna..

Kawan, ingatlah pelantun suara itu manis, walau tempatnya tak beristana.. memiliki kesempatan untuk melihatnya, walau terbuang oleh aromatik kebersamaan yang terkadang tidak adil. jangan pernah terhina oleh jambur dan jendela, kami akan selalu mendengar kabarmu dari semilir walet yang bermain di lantai samudra..

Benyanyi, bersenandung riang, bawalah alam duniamu dalam kemandirian... raihlah! bawalah nama besarmu nun didepan kepada kami, walau kau lupa, kami disini, ngayogyakarto akan selalu mendukungmu, setanjam tombak dan semanis bunga mawar.
Sebagai doa dari kami untuku... "..kami menantang kebesaranmu di kemudian siang, dan berbangga di rembulan penuh.."

Sebuah lagu untukmu ......



transcendent beyond understanding

.....sekali lagi maaf....

I was worried when they judged me at that moment ..
.... they try anything for make me smile again, give activity for its.. 1001 way for it, ... but i refuse all with arrogant, make they confuse trough bizarre alibi... please forgive my attitude...

Perhaps, today is final for them to understand,.. offshore is suitable place to release all my incubus on head, since sunrise i had prepared, waiting front door, waring socks,.. then suddenly .... scattered,!

Antagonize against angel, is major problem! in few condition, he lost, but at this time, she lost.. the effect contaminate the moods, spreading all around head, crawling down to body result hatefully to she,, i should quarantine its, on closed mind, incarceration soul.. disease can infect to surrounding system that incircuit on me, strive to you... yes to you!

coz of it, save skin from you is main aim. need to calm for rejected harmony life, i need to flay, winging through blue sky ... levitate on isolation far away from you and them. diving in tethys sea, to deepest on ocean floor to remembered that i down ...cruised on pangea, traveler from south to north, seeking aurora toilerry to healed.

transcendent... , those people have it, conceive the main issue on me, playing elegant ways just for advoid caos on me. thanks guys, for it, i respect those you are do. help me turn out tobe normal. a mother told me ...:
"...nikmati lah kesendirian mu dulu..ntar kalo udah siap menghadapi dunia, baru kamu keluar dengan tersenyum..."
.. i will..... and i do.


Play and watch it, then you know the feeling

P/S :
1. Adopted pic.
2. Grateful to Krany for wise word donated


die Theorie

Pssstttt......don't tell them!!
'the theory' is our secret.......

Subduction crust character, continental and oceanic or continental collation on earth created Everest mountain, its a simple example for it. When each, no one surrender about collision that happen, they so arrogant to stepdown. crust consist million rocks of great variety igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic that should brought harmony atmosphere for couple mammals that always form a pair, but they doesn't want rearrange the right one.

Continental crust, the most idealist think, which form the continental that consisting mostly of felsic or granitic rocks, its about 30 - 50 km thick, came from continent to shallow seabed. he walking to under sea-level, finding a piece of heath for pursuit of happiness its self. seeking the best for his life, trying anything, but it acward life, when mature changed his life, all that his see trouht the eye are become more than just white and black, but suddenly grey.

Oceanic crust in the other hand, primarily composed mostly of mafic or basaltic rocks, about 10 - 15 thick. came from ocean, crawling up. with a sensitive and nagging attitude, standing beauty-strongest, friendly but rushhour all daylight, ready on everyplace in surrounding location each corner. sometime confused someone with her activity, neglected primary essence of basic purpose.

Mantle, the interior of earth that consist both crust, a place of melting point of them. providing insitu-settlement for meting, chit-chat, knowing each other. oxygen had mixing them with romance until one of crust, sliding on his own-activity, all become catastrophic then blast on the air!. trying refixed condition but crestfallen on recent pair-activity.

.. in plate tectonic on earth, have they own way to resolved. some.. occur slide past each other, both crust neither crated nor destroyed but appearing new crust or divergent, some.. two plate collide and one forced under the other and as consequences, one being force under is melted or destroyed or convergent, some.. pass-hard each other, opposite lateral motion both of them crating friction or earthquake...... but for this case, no one expertise can predict.... neither continental or oceanic. hope the wisdom driven the idealism of both-side....


Critical paper for plate-heart tectonic

P/S :
1. Read all carefully at readmore.
2. Adopted idea and picture.
3. My grateful to Indra Mirza for his donated.
4. Original Lyric and Video.


Au Revoir ....

When i were wake up, heard silenced on FM-radio a news about someone died ....
For moment i ignored,... but..
Then turn up tv, find a news channel.. waiting for a moment..its came clearly
First when i read the headlines of news, i was shock...
Its written .... King of Pop was died...!!!
Him... my idol when i was boy, 80's .... Michael Jackson...
He was die....

Some flashlight walking on my head, remembering about him was...
A few song from him that influence me when junior high school..
Thriller albums, black or white song, and etc.... it just a piece that i loved!

But now,
Was, i had write about something than inspired from his song,
A massage that scattering from his heart to everyone..
Holy and noble sentences to our minds

A hope that the world have changed..
Just like written in his song about better world..
... ' Heal the world...
...... Make it a better place ...
........ For you and for me and the entire human race '....
Heal the world - Michael Jackson
Album - History - Past, Present And Future

-------- Au revoir my friend, wish be Him with you ...

26th June '09
A love-note for Michael Jackson..

P/S :
1. Pic kidnapped from here....
2. Original lyric and music at here ...



A day before sunset coming down to landscape ...
Riding my bike to down-town Yogya, my eyes focusing something on side of sidewalk...
A statue situated in front of military museum, stand-hard like a rock on mountain
He had huge and long story following Indonesia, far away before i was born, written on school books that were i learned.

Before that day,
I was abandoned him just like simple cobble stone on roads
Ignoring him, lied about what his doing for resqueing and saving this republic
Keeping the honor of his people, bloody with his life and blood
Defense again colonialism and imperialism
So i can free and safe to breath on democratic today!

Conguer the dutchmen from Nusantara, then dispelled those from our lands
Display Merah Putih from Indonesia to the world...!
Singing Indonesia Raya...with Proud!!!

Yogyakarta, June, 20th 2009
My salut, respectfull for him, and for all heroic people on Indonesia

P/S :
1. Statue situated on Cik Ditiro Street
2. Inspired song : Bendera-Cokelat and Garuda Didadaku-Netral.



Some people ask me...
what should you do for days without friends...
the answer is ... suffer!
Sometimes we need friends for sharing, chit-chat, or even doing bad..
always smile for everything...never give up to support each other
for every myclosed-friends... reach your dream, and brought us into that..
... this is aspirated from friends ....



Ones upon time....

Before Leonardo da Vinci were paint his painting...

There is a painting that painted on java...

Try to tell how beautiful when Javanese girls smile...

... its call " Senyum Gadis Jawa "...


Original Java Flavor

In traditional java culture, a girl looks beautiful on me..
Sit on terrace of royal cemetery, with little sandals..
Wearing 'batik', traditional clothes ...
Her smile.... brought my hearth into sky...
wishes she ....


Models : Cecilia Irma
Camera : Canon EOS 450D
Lens : Canon EF-S 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6
Filter : ---
Speed : 1/80
Diafrag : f/16
Date : 2009:06:14 13:15:17
ISO : 200


River Side of Amuntai, Indonesia

First sight of Amuntai, South Borneo, Indonesia...


River side of Amuntai...,

Right now, i am in Tanjung Tabalong, doing some research for my thesis......, when I have day-off, I travel to Amuntai for relaxing.. ( 2 hours from Tanjung), I went to mall, then play some “Time Zone” for fun...I have work for 3 weeks (without break..!) Its tired...., Then i have two days-off....is a godsend for me...

So...that is my first day-off pic....

Camera : Canon EOS 450D
Lens : Canon EF-S 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6
Filter : ---
Speed : 1/60
Diafrag : f/7.1
Date : 2009:03:28 10:15:17
ISO : 200



Lets we play...
What is the first thing that show up on your mind when you see that pic...
For me, People generated twice bigger for dry-trash than the wet-trash, so they should give more dumpster.
And you.....???

P/S :
1. Orange = dry-trash = non recycled trash
2. Blue = wet-trash = recycled trash.
3. its my original picture, taken from Shopping center (cheap-books stores zone) Yogyakarta.


White Orchid

She is Beautiful ..
So pure among black ...
Forbidden to all ....
Don't touch it, just see .....
Camera : Canon EOS 450D
Lens : Canon EF-S 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6
Filter : ---
Speed : 1/60
Diafrag : f/7.1
Date : 2008:12:28 13:15:17
ISO : 200



Main food of Indonesian, from Sumatra to Papua, from north to south. Another Indonesian may be eat corn, wheat, sago such as maluku, sulawesi or even papua, but, rice is the most popular among Indonesian.

but know....
the availability of rice depend on farmer and farm (or Paddy field) it self. the farmer become losses, and the area of farm also. Conversation of form into another thing become unpredictable and fast, become property, market, or something else. the amount of farmer in Indonesia only 55,1 % (Kompas, 2/5/09) as the results the production are lackdown, in the end.. domestic product of rice become rare and it must import to fulfill it.

Become Major Issue..
In few month, indonesia have General Election (GE, for Precident, House of Representatives and Senator), and again, rice as political issue to gain or persuade people to elect. Every political party give promise that they will resolve the problem, ended the import of rice and also increasing the income of Indonesian farmer..!!.

in my opinion....
Farmer and farm, it must giving more protection from globalization. Area of farm should be maintenance for sustainability production. Stop diversion of farm into another thing. Give more free fertilizer for farmer. Stop the marked-oriented policy for rice, change into half close-oriented, so the price of rise can high, and give more subsidize for farmer.

BULOG (Badan Logistik or Indonesian Bureau of Logistic) should more concern to help farmer, to deals the price control of rice and other foods. Half close-oriented, its make farmer can survive from falling down, WTO deals are killing machine for Indonesian farmer. They force to Indonesian farmer to not accept subsidize more, how come like that..!!. They will die, since price for fertilizer, seeds or even land-rent are too high. Half close-oriented is to maintenance the price normal or even high with government policy.

P/S :
1. For more article, read : 1 or 2


Oil Colappse

In mid 2008, we see the raising of oil price. Almost $100/barrel on wall street, and in Indonesia, gasoline price is Rp.6000/ltr. Then for the chain reaction, every price are climb up, rice, vegetables, fruits, bus, taxi... then in the end, everything is expensive!!!. it also became more worse condition with exchange rates of Rp Vs $..!.

first, let we see the sort history of oil. Oil has been used since antiquity; for example Herodotus recorded that asphalt from a nearby river was used to construct the walls of Babylon.

However, the first modern oil well is usually traced to Sir Edwin Drake in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859. The Industrial Revolution was already in progress, fuelled by coal and driven by the steam engine. But then in the 1860s, a German engineer found a way to insert the fuel directly into the cylinder inventing the Internal Combustion Engine, which was much more efficient. At first, it used benzene distilled from coal, before turning to petroleum refined from crude oil, for which it developed an unquenchable thirst. The first automobile took to the road in 1882 and the first tractor ploughed its furrow in 1907. This cheap and abundant supply of energy changed the world in then unimaginable ways, leading to the rapid expansion of industry, transport, trade and agriculture, which has allowed the population to expand six-fold in parallel. These remarkable changes were in turn accompanied by the rapid growth of financial capital, as banks lent more than they had on deposit, confident that Tomorrow’s Economic Expansion was collateral for To-day’s Debt, without necessarily recognising that the expansion was driven by an abundant supply of cheap largely oil-based energy.(adopted from Streetswiki).

So, lets face it. our life connected with oil, car, airplane, boat, even internet are need an oil. without oil, we die..!. every aspect of life need oil, today, oil become major issue on world, even for a war (Iraqi wars or dessert storm campaign). Oil is lord and we are his slave!, each people even country fight for it, from north pole to south, from Venezuela to middle-east. And of course Indonesia too. But now, the condition be reverse, economist predicted, with the high of oil price, revenue are good, but they are wrong. oil is not renewable resources, but nonrenewable ones, its limited. Economist say, give more investment to oil exploration, then harvesting, but the real condition is oil field on the world are rare and limited, not every place have it. Indonesia in 60s, is the rise of oil age, Pertamina become oil icon, but now, oil age has pass away. For fulfill domestic need, we import the oil from foreign. We produce oil but we cant fulfill it. Indonesia is one of greedy consumers of oil.

Now, we face the oil-down. The advanced and improvement of oil technology are fast right now, but the oil field are limited. in few years letter the oil produce become lower, but the needs are high. It will be catastrophic for the world if we dont realize. We should be change it right now. For me, it only two way to resolve it, first, find and research a new resources to change the availability of oil or second, squeeze oil from coal (coal-liquidfaction) and oil-sand for extended oil age.

P/S :
1. Oil is refer to Petroleum
2. For further info, see.
3. Pic kiddanap here.


The Old One

Silence eye witness lied down on Yogya.. She was born when indonesia under occupation by dutch ( Dutch East India Company). She was used as office for Nill Maattschappij Assurance and De Javasche Bank. On Japan occupation, basement used as Hoso Kyoku Radio.
At early independence of indonesia the radio converted to Mataram Radio (MAVRO). Now, it used by Bank Negara Indonesia (Indonesia Country Bank). And she still stand till now....

She located at Malioboro street, on north is Gedung Agung (presidential House, born at 1832, in past it used for Dutch Resident dan Governor for Yogyakarta. And become Koochi Zimmukyoku Tyookan in japan Occupation) and Vredeburg fortress museum.
Camera : Canon EOS 450D
Lens : Canon EF-S 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6
Filter : ===
Speeds : 1/1
Diafrag : f/18.0


Pink Chocolate become grey

Since morning...
my feet so happy to meet the night..wondering what happen to night..
they say, this is the night that we can expressed our heart for someone who we loved.
they say, we can share our time together with she alone.
they say, exchange our feeling with happiness
its become Grey...

Sebuah tanya datang..berjalan berkeliling otak sambil mencubit sakit dipinggiran hati ini, entah kurang apa, tetapi selalu saja salah dalam menjalaninya. Kadang waktu juga berkompeten meredakan hati , berjuang dalam arogan diri untuk mengalah... bukan menyerah. Semua laku dianggap salah, tak pernah ada yang benar..berbeda denganmu bukan berarti bukan bagianmu.

Setiap hati dijalani dengan was-was, bersembunyi di balik log telpon, selalu berbatas diri hanya demi hormat. Kadang impovisasi salah diarti, hati layu baru datang kata maaf, sudah sinis imaginatif membuat langkah berjalan serasa timpang, sampai kapan selalu berjalan dalam rel ganda ini. Riak asa menyeruak hampa, hambar dan kecut dalam menghadapinya.

Andai hari menjadi slave diriku, aku ingin dia berputar ulang hingga perbaikan sikap dapat sempurna, berbagi lilin redup menjadi cerah, menjaga badai menjauh darinya. Andai waktu bawahanku, aku ingin dia taat berhenti berdetak saat aku perintah, biar moment itu selalu menggema. Andai suara peliharaanku, aku ingin dia merdu, menjadi merdu di tengah sahara luas, menjadi oasis hati saat sunyi. Andai ....

Jalan memang panjang, tapi kerikil dan serakan daun membuatnya makin bergetar asa..melangkah atau berhenti menjadi pilihat sakit. Berdiri di pojok niagara, serasa segar menyeramkan, dirimbuni tetes air jatuh dari atas, namun getir saat jatuh kebawah.

Mengapa .....???
for healing my feeling, i heard a song from Chantal Kreviazuk. for me, this song are suitable if we want escape for while.

"Leaving On A Jet Plane"

I'm ... I'm ...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

I'm ...

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

And I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
Leaving on a jet plane
(Ah ah ah ah)
(Leaving) On a jet plane

A note for Valentine
February 14th, 2009

pic adopted here, song and lyric


Trans-Kalimantan, A Dream Road

Almost 100 year after the independence of Indonesia.. six president had been held, but the road that connected all province of kalimantan (Borneo) are not establish.

Borneo is one of 'raw-material' Capital for government to advanced Indonesia..woods, golds, coals, oil & gas, cpo's and irons are greedy exploited from Borneo for contribute to Indonesia government, but till now the infrastructure of Borneo still lack down !!

the obsession of trans-borneo road is begin from 1800 AD, Muller travel the remote area of Borneo, from east to west, but he lost in borne0 jungle. Nieuwenhuis (1894) is the first Dutchman who succeed travel the island, from Pontianak (west Borneo) to Samarinda (east Borneo). but now, there is nothing connected road establish yet..why..??

Some people in Pontianak if they want go to east, south or central of Borneo (with airplane, because the road isn't connected), they must transit to Jakarta first!!!. its an expensive to do it. In my perspective, infrastructure should be build more in Borneo so the imbalance of development can be done. On Java, the infrastructure are good, but on outside java.. its another thing..its lack!. its enough right now, the road-maps of development must change!. Give more to outside Java now, for totality of integral Indonesia.

A song from Franky Sahilatua - Perahu Retak, for describe its.

Perahu negeriku, perahu bangsaku
menyusuri gelombang
semangat rakyatku, kibar benderaku
menyeruak lautan

langit membentang cakrawala di depan
melambaikan tantangan

di atas tanahku, dari dalam airku
tumbuh kebahagiaan
di sawah kampungku, di jalan kotaku
terbit kesejahteraan

tapi kuheran di tengah perjalanan
muncullah ketimpangan

aku heran, aku heran
yang salah dipertahankan
aku heran, aku heran
yang benar disingkirkan

perahu negeriku, perahu bangsaku
jangan retak dindingmu
semangat rakyatku, derap kaki tekadmu
jangan terantuk batu

tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan ambil sendiri
tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan makan sendiri

aku heran, aku heran
satu kenyang, seribu kelaparan
aku heran, aku heran
keserakahan diagungkan

P/S : for further info..
1. Original source here
2. Pic adopted from Kompas.
3. A W Nieuwenhuis
4. Lyric and mp3
5. CPO


One day with the boss

Front of Inna Garuda Hotel
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

At 11 pm (Wednesday, 20/1/09), my phone ringing... a call from my boss, .. whit a group of employee in my office came to jogja, for attended the presentation of mining company.
they stay in inna garuda hotel, a historical hotel in jogja..( and expensive ones too).
the presentation held in a restaurant at kaliadem hill - kaliurang, jogja, Indonesia. Its beautiful view of mountain merapi.
then, the story are following this picture....

Mr. Rivai and Mr. Budhi, walking on malioboro street

Mr. Rivai, Mr. Budhi, Mr. Zen and Mr. Panji

Mr. Zen on pose

Mr. Panji, call his family

Interview with local merchant

Chit-chat each other

Mr. Kamiruddin, Mr. Rivai, and Mr. Hardhani (stand)
before the meeting

Discussion on kaliadem hill

Mr. Rivai give a briefing before presentation

Lunch at kaliadem hill

then...after lunch, we back to hotel for rest.... at night,,,the story begin to...

Mr. Panji at Bakpia Workshop.
Bakpia is a cookies that made from green-bean

Mr. Zen action as professional chef

After they checking the workshop, then buying its

After looking around at Bakpia workshop, then.....its dinner time!!! Dinner, in the style of Yogyakarta... Lesehan (an open-air streetside restaurants)

Dinner with Gudeg Yogya

Dessert with durian

Me, in the morning

Me, at night... dessert time!!

Look close to me....!!
I am look tired or enjoying the durian..???

P/S :
For further information of...
1. Durian.
2. Bakpia.
3. Malioboro street


Song for Humanity : a massage from Gaza

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

we will not go down - Michael heart
original source link
download MP3
his facebook
picture kidnapped from here


Peace..., a dream never come

I wish my world be come peacefully...
When we turn on the TV, we see war in every corner of the world..war in middle Asia, war in Africa and Palestine war in middle east...why??..
Can we resolve the conflict whit the absence of hostilities..?, why always choose the hard way to resolved it?...why...?

According the Quran, all people in this world are sons of Adam & Eva, we are siblings but why we fight each other??.. Can we live whit love and friendships...? I believe that every religion in this world say that peace are the right thing...

Peace on Islam.

In Islam, the ideal nationhood is beyond all boundaries and differences. The establishment of nationhood on earth based on the ultimate goal of Islam according to the jurisprudential approach. The nationhood is not confined to any particular geography, or limited to any specific race; rather it consists of all believers throughout the world from whatever background, language, creed, history or geography.

Unlike race, language, history and other such involuntary criteria in nationhood, where the individual has no choice and nationalism and patriotism ask for allegiance to a particular nation and state not chosen by him/her, the individuals are allowing to have a choice to be made by him/her in joining or rejecting it. It is therefore a conscious and informed choice that establishes peace and allegiance to it rather than non-voluntary factors as in nationhood.

Peace on Christian.

The basic Christian ideal promotes peace through goodwill and by sharing the faith with others, as well as forgiving those who do try to break the peace. Below are selections from two gospels:

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:44 - 45 and "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35. (for further information see wikipedia)

Peace in Song.

Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better
world for our children and our children's children. So that they know
it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.

Refrain (2x)

There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.

You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children

Heal the world - Michael Jackson
Album - History - Past, Present And Future
(watch his video...)

Peace in my perspective.
so, when we see those two perspective peace based on each religion, we can see neither of them to recommended the war for resolved the conflict. Both of them are willing to go peacefully. But now...?.

Trust. Everyone/nation should build trust, its may simply mean, but it can resolve the global and regional conflict through nonviolent means. Its can be achieve whit open minded to another nation/religion.
Tolerance and respect. We should build tolerance to everyone, respect to what they do, so there are no negative opinion. Negative issue is one step to the war.
Win-win solution. Resolve the problem with open minded, see the problem to the deepest, then take the conclusion than make everyone happy.

Believe me, if all nations and United Nations took my advise,, then the peace will came.!!!

P/S :
1. Further reference, see this, or this and this too
2. Pic kidnapped from here.
3. Original lyric adopted from here.


My Native Ethnic : Banjarese

Today, much of Indonesian dint know the local tribe in south Borneo, they only know there is dayak tribes, but there is another native ethnic live on there, Banjarese (Banjar). And i, one of them.

In this article, i want describe more about banjarese, which in my sight..as one of bajarese tribe (but not as chauvinistic ones), just as information that on borneo there are another tribe that should they know.

Banjar (or Banjarese) is the name of an interior and coastal native ethnic group which settled in the Banjar region and in Banjarmasin, South Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia. Banjarese people is a melting pot of the native Dayaks, Malay ethnicity from Sumatra and the Javanese courts.
The division of Banjar people into 3 ethnicities is based on the locations of the fusions between Malay, local Dayaks, and Javanese, which is :
  1. Banjar Pahuluan, who lives in the valleys by the upriver of Meratus mountain ranges. They live on agriculture.
  2. Banjar Batang Banyu, who lives in the valleys by the river of Negara. They take pride of their position as the people of the ancient capital. They are also prominent merchants.
  3. Banjar Kuala, who lives in Banjarmasin and Martapura. These people are the people of the new capital.
Banjar language is the native language, it can be considered as a lingua franca, as it is used widely in 3 of 4 Provinces of Borneo (Kalimantan): South, East, and Central, with the exception of West Kalimantan where Malay is more popular. Language contains a lot of Malay and some Javanese cognates, but they usually have their own distinctively Banjarese counterparts.
Banjar language is divided into two major dialects; the upper river dialect (Banjar Hulu) and down river dialect (Banjar Kuala).

Mode indonesia language : on..!!! ( biar afdol nulisnya.....)

Mengenai diriku..
Aku, Dean Saputra, Merupakan anak tertua dari 3 bersaudara (Aku, Yanies Savitri, Ade P Ramadhan), orang tua aku juga berasal dari suku banjar, mungkin lebih tepatnya dari percampuran 2 sub suku banjar tersebut (ayah - banjar pahuluan dan ibu - banjar Kuala). Lahir di Banjarbaru, kemudian pada umur 7 th, ikut orang tua nomaden ke daerah tenggara, kotabaru, dan seluruh masa kecil dan remaja di habiskan disana.

Mengenai orang banjar dari prepektipku...
Suku banjar, umumnya orang yang sangat taat terhadap ajaran agama (terutama dari daerah pahuluan, namun aku,....hehe), mempunyai budaya yang sangat mirip dengan budaya melayu, mungkin karena asal-usulnya dahulu adalah sebagian dari melayu yah, (untuk budaya banjar, silahkan liat disini).orang banjar umumnya stright forward dalam menyampaikan sesuatu, gaya bicara mungkin agak sedikit nyaring, tapi bukan berteriak marah, namun karena kondisi alam dan budaya terdahulu.

to be continued ...

P/S :
1. referensi utamanya dari sini dan sini
2. referensi kebudayaan banjar, disini
3. setelah dimodifikasi, gambar diculik dari sini


Vote-boycotting Ban : A critic to MUI

Lately, the controversial issues on next general election is vote-boycotting, everyone had their opinion, then MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council / Majelis Ulama Indonesia) took place to ban it, in they next meeting on padang-sumbar (Jakarta Post, 1/22/09).

If it finally happen, it gonna be a bizarre decision that MUI ever took, because MUI is a religion council, not a political ones. And the reason why they banned it will confuse me.

So, my critic for the ban (if MUI decided to do it). in my opinion.. everyone has their own way to choose what they want to, no matter what happen cause its they decision. Indonesian have their own decision to took place on next general election. The human right is allowed that, thus, whether they want to vote or not.

Indonesia has a leadership crisis, we don't see the best leaders who is running for president yet, every candidate have positive and negative acceptability among our society right now. We need to change right now, change of Indonesia, change against corruptions, legal security and public services.

MUI should not be enter the political system, it must independent. The Indonesian contribution for next general election its depend on trusted leadership, trusted the political party's, but now neither cant be trusted. Every thing are just promises.

P/S : Pic from here.


Iklan LA-Lights : Sebuah Kritik "Enjoy Aja"

Beberapa saat ini, kita sering disuguhi sebuah iklan rokok. Iklan dari LA-lights, yang berseting tentang sebuah rutinitas dari kehidupan di dalam airport, dalam iklan tersebut diceritakan bahwa sering timbul, "DELAY" pesawat!.. Persis yang terjadi di dunia penerbangan Indonesia!

Yang menjadi sebuah kritik dari saya disini adalah, sebuah tulisan yang mengatakan bahwa :" Enjoy Aja " !!. Menurut saya iklan ini sangat dan mungkin akan membentuk suatu paradigma baru bagi kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia..., dimana mungkin akan membentuk imeg yang selalu 'enjoy' terhadap sebuah keadaan.!. Namun sebelum itu, mari kita bahas beberapa hal yang mungkin menjadi bahan kritik dari saya.

Sebelum ke sebuah kritik tersebut, mari kita lihat sedikit tentang tinjauan sebuah filosofi "enjoy"... :

Kata 'Enjoy'. Maksud kata ini adalah untuk membuat / melakukan sesuatu dengan santai, tenang dan mengalir seperti apa adanya..(ini sebuah pemikiran asli saya loh..). Mungkin, bisa secara umum ditafsirkan bahwa, dalam melaksanakan / melakukan sesuatu, kita tidak perlu terburu-buru, tidak perlu memikirkan segala sesauatunya setelahnya atau lebih tepatnya saya katakan bahwa...kita dalam melakukan sesuatu, selalu dengan santai dan menikmati tanpa harus memikirkan apa yang terjadi nantinya. "action without planing..!!!"

Selanjutnya adalah kritik dari saya terhadap kata 'enjoy aja' yang digunakan dalam iklan tersebut, sebelumnya mari kita batasi bahwa pokok permasalahan hanya seputar pada materi 'enjoy aja' yang kemungkinan berpengaruh terhadap masyarakat.

Pertama, kita lihat dari segi tujuan iklan tersebut. Iklan ini bisa saya prediksi di tujukan kepada para penikmat 'smoker' indonesia, terutama LA-Lights, yang sebagian besar adalah para generasi muda Indonesia (ini adalah kemungkinan besar tujuan utamanya...!). Sehingga secara tidak langsung mengajak para generasi muda untuk selalu enjoy dengan keadaan tanpa berpikir apa yang mungkin terjadi selanjutnya.

Kedua, infulence dari iklan tersebut. Pengaruh yang ditimbulkan mungkin akan sangat kecil bagi masyarakat secara umum, namun sangat besar pengaruhnya bagi para 'smoker-smoker', bahkan bagi yang sangat fanatik!. Mengapa? karena kata 'enjoy aja' akan tertanam secara permanen dalam otak kiri, dimana otak kiri adalah inspirasi dari kreasi manusia. Dengan telah ter'infected'nya dalam otak kiri...., maka bukan suatu hal yang tidak mungkin akan mempengaruhi seluruh sendi kehidupan 'smoker' nantinya. Terutama setelah mereka menjadi 'seseorang'.

Ketiga, Cost might be happened. Dari alasan pertama dan kedua saya, maka akibat yang ditimbulkan nantinya adalah...., ketika para penikmat ini menjadi bagian integral sebuah masyarakat, sehingga mungkin akan menyumbangkan terhadap perjalanan bangsa....!! Hal ini mungkin terlalu besar bagi sebuah perkiraan, namun ini perlu menjadi perhatian!. Karena letak jalanya roda masyarakat indonesia sebagian juga berada di ranah para 'smoker' ini.

Sehingga, dari ketiga alasan dasar yang saya kemukakan diatas..(mungkin terlalu naif untuk diakatakan sebagai sebuah reasons..!). Adalah kurang bijak untuk meletakan kata "enjoy aja" dalam sebuah iklan ini, mengapa? Karena iklan ini dilihat oleh sebagian besar bangsa Indonesia. Yang secara umum akan membentuk suatu konteks kehidupan yang berbeda dari keadaan normal. Sebenarnya tidak ada yang salah dalam kata tersebut, namun konteks normal yang saya sebutkan adalah sebuah 'way of life' yang kita anut selama ini adalah membentuk generasi muda yang potensial dalam memacu roda gerak Indonesia...., roda yang menjalankan Indonesia ke keadaan yang lebih mapan. Sehingga dengan tertanamnya 'enjoy aja' kedalam alam pikiran generasi muda sekarang pasti akan mempengaruhi roda Indonesia menuju sebuah kemapanan.

Dan pada akhirnya nanti...., mungkin, (sekali lagi mungkin) akan memperlambat Indonesia menuju kemapanan. Karena sebagian masyarakat akan selalu bersifar 'enjoy aja' dengan keadaan, tanpa memikirkan sebuah perubahan!. Hal inilah yang menjadi kritik saya.

Semoga dengan sebuah kritik ini, akan sedikit merubah presepsi kita terhadap 'Enjoy aja' dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang menyangkut Indonesia!. Saat ini kita perlu sebuah trobosan dan perubahan terhadap Indonesia kita. Indonesia yang bisa berbicara banyak di kancah dunia, Indonesia yang menjadi macan di percaturan global. Bukan indonesia yang hanya bisa prihatin dan prihatin seperti saat ini.

P/S :
  1. Mohon maaf apabila tulisan ini menyinggung salah satu pihak, namun intiya hanyalah sebuah kritik bersama bagi kita demi Indonesia kita yang tercinta.
  2. Pic di culik dari sini