Almost 100 year after the independence of Indonesia.. six president had been held, but the road that connected all province of kalimantan (Borneo) are not establish.
the obsession of trans-borneo road is begin from 1800 AD, Muller travel the remote area of Borneo, from east to west, but he lost in borne0 jungle. Nieuwenhuis (1894) is the first Dutchman who succeed travel the island, from Pontianak (west Borneo) to Samarinda (east Borneo). but now, there is nothing connected road establish yet..why..??
Some people in Pontianak if they want go to east, south or central of Borneo (with airplane, because the road isn't connected), they must transit to Jakarta first!!!. its an expensive to do it. In my perspective, infrastructure should be build more in Borneo so the imbalance of development can be done. On Java, the infrastructure are good, but on outside java.. its another thing..its lack!. its enough right now, the road-maps of development must change!. Give more to outside Java now, for totality of integral Indonesia.
A song from Franky Sahilatua - Perahu Retak, for describe its.
P/S : for further info..
1. Original source here
2. Pic adopted from Kompas.
3. A W Nieuwenhuis
4. Lyric and mp3
5. CPO
Borneo is one of 'raw-material' Capital for government to advanced Indonesia..woods, golds, coals, oil & gas, cpo's and irons are greedy exploited from Borneo for contribute to Indonesia government, but till now the infrastructure of Borneo still lack down !!
the obsession of trans-borneo road is begin from 1800 AD, Muller travel the remote area of Borneo, from east to west, but he lost in borne0 jungle. Nieuwenhuis (1894) is the first Dutchman who succeed travel the island, from Pontianak (west Borneo) to Samarinda (east Borneo). but now, there is nothing connected road establish yet..why..??
Some people in Pontianak if they want go to east, south or central of Borneo (with airplane, because the road isn't connected), they must transit to Jakarta first!!!. its an expensive to do it. In my perspective, infrastructure should be build more in Borneo so the imbalance of development can be done. On Java, the infrastructure are good, but on outside java.. its another thing..its lack!. its enough right now, the road-maps of development must change!. Give more to outside Java now, for totality of integral Indonesia.
A song from Franky Sahilatua - Perahu Retak, for describe its.
Perahu negeriku, perahu bangsaku
menyusuri gelombang
semangat rakyatku, kibar benderaku
menyeruak lautan
langit membentang cakrawala di depan
melambaikan tantangan
di atas tanahku, dari dalam airku
tumbuh kebahagiaan
di sawah kampungku, di jalan kotaku
terbit kesejahteraan
tapi kuheran di tengah perjalanan
muncullah ketimpangan
aku heran, aku heran
yang salah dipertahankan
aku heran, aku heran
yang benar disingkirkan
perahu negeriku, perahu bangsaku
jangan retak dindingmu
semangat rakyatku, derap kaki tekadmu
jangan terantuk batu
tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan ambil sendiri
tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan makan sendiri
aku heran, aku heran
satu kenyang, seribu kelaparan
aku heran, aku heran
keserakahan diagungkan
menyusuri gelombang
semangat rakyatku, kibar benderaku
menyeruak lautan
langit membentang cakrawala di depan
melambaikan tantangan
di atas tanahku, dari dalam airku
tumbuh kebahagiaan
di sawah kampungku, di jalan kotaku
terbit kesejahteraan
tapi kuheran di tengah perjalanan
muncullah ketimpangan
aku heran, aku heran
yang salah dipertahankan
aku heran, aku heran
yang benar disingkirkan
perahu negeriku, perahu bangsaku
jangan retak dindingmu
semangat rakyatku, derap kaki tekadmu
jangan terantuk batu
tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan ambil sendiri
tanah pertiwi anugerah ilahi
jangan makan sendiri
aku heran, aku heran
satu kenyang, seribu kelaparan
aku heran, aku heran
keserakahan diagungkan
P/S : for further info..
1. Original source here
2. Pic adopted from Kompas.
3. A W Nieuwenhuis
4. Lyric and mp3
5. CPO
This is really interesting. Weird that they don't give all the areas good infrastructures, it would help tourism, no?
that's it ... its not fair...
but my voice just a voice ..cause they never hearing ...
i hope my opinion will open they mind...
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