
The Old One

Silence eye witness lied down on Yogya.. She was born when indonesia under occupation by dutch ( Dutch East India Company). She was used as office for Nill Maattschappij Assurance and De Javasche Bank. On Japan occupation, basement used as Hoso Kyoku Radio.
At early independence of indonesia the radio converted to Mataram Radio (MAVRO). Now, it used by Bank Negara Indonesia (Indonesia Country Bank). And she still stand till now....

She located at Malioboro street, on north is Gedung Agung (presidential House, born at 1832, in past it used for Dutch Resident dan Governor for Yogyakarta. And become Koochi Zimmukyoku Tyookan in japan Occupation) and Vredeburg fortress museum.
Camera : Canon EOS 450D
Lens : Canon EF-S 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6
Filter : ===
Speeds : 1/1
Diafrag : f/18.0


Anonymous said...

Nice photo :D

d_34_nz said...
