
My Native Ethnic : Banjarese

Today, much of Indonesian dint know the local tribe in south Borneo, they only know there is dayak tribes, but there is another native ethnic live on there, Banjarese (Banjar). And i, one of them.

In this article, i want describe more about banjarese, which in my sight..as one of bajarese tribe (but not as chauvinistic ones), just as information that on borneo there are another tribe that should they know.

Banjar (or Banjarese) is the name of an interior and coastal native ethnic group which settled in the Banjar region and in Banjarmasin, South Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia. Banjarese people is a melting pot of the native Dayaks, Malay ethnicity from Sumatra and the Javanese courts.
The division of Banjar people into 3 ethnicities is based on the locations of the fusions between Malay, local Dayaks, and Javanese, which is :
  1. Banjar Pahuluan, who lives in the valleys by the upriver of Meratus mountain ranges. They live on agriculture.
  2. Banjar Batang Banyu, who lives in the valleys by the river of Negara. They take pride of their position as the people of the ancient capital. They are also prominent merchants.
  3. Banjar Kuala, who lives in Banjarmasin and Martapura. These people are the people of the new capital.
Banjar language is the native language, it can be considered as a lingua franca, as it is used widely in 3 of 4 Provinces of Borneo (Kalimantan): South, East, and Central, with the exception of West Kalimantan where Malay is more popular. Language contains a lot of Malay and some Javanese cognates, but they usually have their own distinctively Banjarese counterparts.
Banjar language is divided into two major dialects; the upper river dialect (Banjar Hulu) and down river dialect (Banjar Kuala).

Mode indonesia language : on..!!! ( biar afdol nulisnya.....)

Mengenai diriku..
Aku, Dean Saputra, Merupakan anak tertua dari 3 bersaudara (Aku, Yanies Savitri, Ade P Ramadhan), orang tua aku juga berasal dari suku banjar, mungkin lebih tepatnya dari percampuran 2 sub suku banjar tersebut (ayah - banjar pahuluan dan ibu - banjar Kuala). Lahir di Banjarbaru, kemudian pada umur 7 th, ikut orang tua nomaden ke daerah tenggara, kotabaru, dan seluruh masa kecil dan remaja di habiskan disana.

Mengenai orang banjar dari prepektipku...
Suku banjar, umumnya orang yang sangat taat terhadap ajaran agama (terutama dari daerah pahuluan, namun aku,....hehe), mempunyai budaya yang sangat mirip dengan budaya melayu, mungkin karena asal-usulnya dahulu adalah sebagian dari melayu yah, (untuk budaya banjar, silahkan liat disini).orang banjar umumnya stright forward dalam menyampaikan sesuatu, gaya bicara mungkin agak sedikit nyaring, tapi bukan berteriak marah, namun karena kondisi alam dan budaya terdahulu.

to be continued ...

P/S :
1. referensi utamanya dari sini dan sini
2. referensi kebudayaan banjar, disini
3. setelah dimodifikasi, gambar diculik dari sini


Anonymous said...

wah, bagus blogya ya... trims udah ngasih komen soal obama...

salam rizafahlevi.blogspot.com

Muzda said...

Sambungannya Pa Tuan ...

Qoreader said...

saya juga urang banjar brow.